LKBEN11697: What are the Syncml response codes.


You need to find more information about Syncml response code. (deliverd via OMA-DM)




Syncml response codes
200 Completed successfully
202 Accepted for processing. This code denotes an asynchronous operation, such as a request to run a remote execution of an application.
212 Authentication accepted. Normally you only see this code in response to the SyncHdr element (used for authentication in the OMA-DM standard). You may see this code if you look at OMA DM logs, but CSPs don't typically generate this code.
214 Operation canceled. The SyncML command completed successfully, but no more commands are processed within the session.
215 Not executed. A command wasn't executed as a result of user interaction to cancel the command.
216 Atomic roll back OK. A command was inside an Atomic element and Atomic failed. This command was rolled back successfully.
400 Bad request. The requested command couldn't be performed because of malformed syntax. CSPs don't usually generate this error, however you might see it if your SyncML is malformed.
401 Invalid credentials. The requested command failed because the requestor must provide proper authentication. CSPs don't usually generate this error.
403 Forbidden. The requested command failed, but the recipient understood the requested command.
404 Not found. The requested target wasn't found. This code is generated if you query a node that doesn't exist.
405 Command not allowed. This respond code is generated if you try to write to a read-only node.
406 Optional feature not supported. This response code is generated if you try to access a property that the CSP doesn't support.
415 Unsupported type or format. This response code can result from XML parsing or formatting errors.
418 Already exists. This response code occurs if you attempt to add a node that already exists.
425 Permission Denied. The requested command failed because the sender doesn't have adequate access control permissions (ACL) on the recipient. "Access denied" errors usually get translated to this response code.
500 Command failed. Generic failure. The recipient encountered an unexpected condition, which prevented it from fulfilling the request. This response code occurs when the SyncML DPU can't map the originating error code.
507 Atomic failed. One of the operations in an Atomic block failed.
516 Atomic roll back failed. An Atomic operation failed and the command wasn't rolled back successfully.



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About the Author

Author: Wim Peeters - Keskon GmbH & Co. KG

Wim Peeters is electronics engineer with an additional master in IT and over 30 years of experience, including time spent in support, development, consulting, training and database administration. Wim has worked with SQL Server since version 6.5. He has developed in C/C++, Java and C# on Windows and Linux. He writes knowledge base articles to solve IT problems and publishes them on the Lubby Knowledge Platform.

Latest update: 12.02.2024