LKBEN10662: How to find all users or objects with a user defined ldap query in active directory?
You need to find all users or certain objects with a self defined ldap query
LDAP query examples and syntax for ldap searching.
You can use the following ldap query syntax to search for all users. Please note, the exclamation mark which negates the objectClass computer. The cn can be anything.
Here we search for all users where the name starts with a-
This ldap query searches for all computers with srv in the name
Here we search for all users
Here we search for all deactivated accounts in active directory
This query will find all acounts with "password does not expire"
Here we search for all groups containing rw in the name
A bit more complex is the search for all printers starting with hp for the name, standing in the location starting with hh and supporting duplex printing
Search for all Organisational units starting with hh
Here we search for a user on group membership
#this is the same
Here we find all members for a certain group
Here we search for group membership but this time from the perspective of the group
(&(objectCategory=group)(name=groupname)(member=CN=username,OU=Internal Accounts,OU=User,OU=example,DC=keskon,DC=de))
In another LDAP projects, we had to query if a user belongs to a certain group and needed to do it this way:
The searching for a user and a groups was different from Active Directory and needed to be done like this:
#search for user
#search for all groups
#search for one group
Here we search on an alias
#search all aliases
#search on a referenced object
#search for aliases where uid starts with test
Hope this helps
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- Keskon GmbH & Co. KGWim Peeters is electronics engineer with an additional master in IT and over 30 years of experience, including time spent in support, development, consulting, training and database administration. Wim has worked with SQL Server since version 6.5. He has developed in C/C++, Java and C# on Windows and Linux. He writes knowledge base articles to solve IT problems and publishes them on the Lubby Knowledge Platform.
Latest update: 19-02-2025