TBLEN10005: Versions of the Windows Operating System since NT 3.1

Here is a list of Windows Versions since 1993.

Windows OS Versions
Windows Version Year
Windows NT 3.1 version 3.1 (year 1993)
Windows NT 3.5 version 3.5 (year 1994)
Windows NT 3.51 version 3.51 (year 1995)
Windows NT 4.0 version 4.0 (year 1996)
Windows NT 2000 version 5.0 (year 1999)
Windows XP version 5.1 (year 2001)
Windows Server 2003 version 5.2 (year 2003)
Windows Vista version 6.0 (build 6000) (year 2007)
Windows Server 2008 version 6.0 (build 6001) (year 2008)
Windows 7 version 6.1  (year 2009)
Windows 8 version 6.2 (year 2012)
Windows 8.1 version 6.3 (year 2013)
Windows 10 version 10.0 (year 2015 - 2021)
Windows 10 version 1507 (year 2015) - 10.0.10240
Windows 10 version 1511 (year 2015) - 10.0.10586
Windows 10 version 1607 (year 2016) - 10.0.14393
Windows 10 version 1703 (year 2017) - 10.0.15063
Windows 10 version 1709 (year 2017) - 10.0.16299
Windows 10 version 1803 (year 2018) - 10.0.17134
Windows 10 version 1809 (year 2018) - 10.0.17763
Windows 10 version 1903 (year 2019) - 10.0.18362
Windows 10 version 1909 (year 2019) - 10.0.18363
Windows 10 version 2004 (year 2020) - 10.0.19041
Windows 10 version 20H2 (year 2020) - 10.0.19042
Windows 10 version 21H1 (year 2021) - 10.0.19043
Windows 10 version 21H2 (year 2021) - 10.0.19044
Windows 10 version 22H2 (year 2022) - 10.0.19045
Windows 11 version 21H2 10.0.22000
Windows 11 version 22H2 10.0.22621
Windows 11 version 23H2 10.0.22631
Windows 11 version 24H2 10.0.26100

Based on the following KB Article: Windows Versions


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About the Author

Author: Wim Peeters - Keskon GmbH & Co. KG

Wim Peeters is electronics engineer with an additional master in IT and over 30 years of experience, including time spent in support, development, consulting, training and database administration. Wim has worked with SQL Server since version 6.5. He has developed in C/C++, Java and C# on Windows and Linux. He writes knowledge base articles to solve IT problems and publishes them on the Lubby Knowledge Platform.

Latest update: 26-11-2024 | Comment: